Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Poster Print

1. "Schwinn" 24x36
2. 6.11.11 | 7:30 pm | Squirrel, ID
3. Pentax K-x | Av | f/4.5 | 1/125
4. Clarity, Saturation, Contrast, Temperature, Vignette
5. The image was fairly easy to capture.  I just walked up to it and saw the shot I needed to get.  I had my iso set at 200, and my aperture at 4.5 to get a nice bokeh.  I really wanted to get a neat shot with clear composition, and I am strictly against moving things around to get a perfect shot, so I worked with what I had.  I loved the shot right out of the camera, but to fulfill the requirements of the assignment, I decided to make a couple of casual edits in bridge.  I really think they enhanced and richened the quality and interest of the image.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekly Edit | Fine Art Template

This was a really good assignment.  I like the way this template features my photos, and I think I will probably use it more often.  The edit technique was really simple after doing the case study this weekend.
Old Ride | 6.11.2011 7:30 pm | Squirrel, ID | f/4.5 1/125 | Pentax K-x
Sats, fine art template.

Old Ride | 6.11.2011 7:30 pm | Squirrel, ID | f/4.5 1/200 | Pentax K-x
Sats, fine art template.

Weekly Post | Night and Light

Seriously awesome assignment... Seriously.  I learned a lot about my camera taking these pictures, because it was foreign territory to me.  The top picture was achieved with the help of a handful of friends and classmates painting in light on the barn and tractor.  I ran a flashlight as well.  The rest were completed last night in Rexburg.  I had a lot of fun experimenting with the light.  On the car picture, Dan and I tried a few shots where the light was really linear and focused in specific and logical places, but I learned that I liked the graffitti look of the swirling lights.  As always, please click to view larger, and enjoy!
Til' The Cows Come Home | 6.11.2011 10:00 pm | Squirrel, ID | f/14 20" | Pentax K-x
Tripod, flashlights, painted in more exposure in some spots.

Solstice | 6.12.2011 10:47 pm | Rexburg, ID | f/32 20" | Pentax K-x
Tripod, flashlights, exposure.

Waiting at the Light | 6.12.2011 11:00 pm | Rexburg, ID | f/32 10" | Pentax K-x
Tripod, exposure, vignette.

Starburst | 6.12.2011 11:30 pm | Rexburg, ID | f/32 10" | Pentax K-x

Monday, June 6, 2011

Challenge | Hide and Reveal

This one was a fairly easy concept to grasp, I think I just need more practice to get the stripes and circles in the right places .  I thoroughly enjoyed this one.  I would like to try again in the future on a better picture and do something where the subject is more centered and smaller so that I can get a bigger circle around it.
Jellyfish | 5.21.2011 6:00 pm | Las Vegas, NV | f/4.0 1/13 | Pentax K-x
Hide and Reveal, sats, cropping.

Weekly Edit | Border Effects

The edits this week were a challenge for me, mostly because I don't particularly like effects.  It was a good learning experience though.  The brushed on effect was the hardest for me, and probably pushed me the most.  The other two were really quite easy because they were right down my alley.  I think in the future I would be most likely to use the double fade border.  I think the look of it is really nice.
Baubles | 5.20.2011 1:30 am | Las Vegas, NV | f/5.6 1/13 | Pentax K-x
Sats, WB, Brushed on effect.
Emma Jo | 5.5.2011 6:00 pm | Rigby, ID | f/4.5 1/250 | Pentax K-x
Sats, clarity, contrast, double fade border.

Brennen James | 5.5.2011 6:00 pm | Rigby, ID | f/4 1/6000 | Pentax K-x
Exposure, vignette, Sprayed strokes border.